Saturday, July 09, 2005

Saturday Morning Oceanside Surf Report

Starting out the weekend doesn't get much better than sleeping in on Saturday, and then heading out for a two hour surf session. I paddled out about 1 and a half hours after low tide, and for the first hour some decent set waves rolled in every 5 minutes or so.

Oceanside Harbor

I caught a couple of the largest waves of the summer so far (which says a lot for the pathetic conditions we've had as of late, and not much for the waves themselves), and found a couple nice shoulders to carve up after the bigger drops.

The red tide we've been experiencing for the last three weeks or so seems to have started to clear out, which is nice. There is something about surfing in rust color water that smells slightly fetid which isn't as appealing as our normal sea-green and odor-free oceans.

I surfed until my body told me it was time to head back in. On my last wave, I popped up and both calf muscles seized up and cramped with amazing ferocity. Note to self: start eating more bananas!

This tail end of the approaching week looks very promising, as it looks like San Diego may get its first good sized south swell from a storm originally in the southern hemisphere. Time to get those paddling arms in shape!

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